Your oral health matters to us A range of options allowing you to choose from one of our membership plans from as little as £12.84 / month Membership plans available Your oral health matters to us We are an established Provider of NHS private and cosmetic dental treatments Established NHS provider Your oral health matters to us Provider of implants

Welcome to Carmelite Dental Practice


Our dentists and oral hygienist at Carmelite Dental Practice offer you and your family the best in modern dentistry, from simple fillings to advanced crown and bridge treatments.

Offering a wide range of NHS and private dental treatments.

We are located in centre of Maldon Essex, next to large pubic car park.


Urgent and new NHS patients will be seen according to capacity on the day.

For Carmaplan enquiries

please fill in the form or call 01621 858649

For private and implant consultations

Please fill in the form below or call our team on 01621 858649

Check in and Covid-19

Complete your medical history, covid-19 questionnaire and check in

Our Clinic

Request a Carmaplan or Private Appointment

For Carmaplan or private appointments please call 01621 858649 or alternatively fill out the form below and we will contact you during our working hours.
For NHS appointments and emergencies please call 01621 858 649

    40 White Horse Lane

    Maldon, Essex, CM9 5QP

    01621 858 649

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